Monday, May 4, 2009

I wanna go to space....drift away to a non-existance

Good Afternoon-Evening....

earth.....billions of human, 1 life to live, many dreams to follow.

Producer....Engineering....Photographer......mainly a producer.

i realize that life is short but honestly at this point in my life...i'm not in a hurry to get a placement....i mean i wanna get a placement sometime this year, even if it's something minor...but with how the industry is now? i gotta consider going overseas...maybe it's what o'mas keith from sa-ra said....maybe it's because i'm sick of radio and the cats that be telling me to check out they music on their page......the wackness.....

sometimes i feel like lauching myself into space.....away from life's problems...away from the bullshit...just me, an mpc, a turntable, some records, a mixer, and a laptop.

get away.....go far away longer remaining b.davis or inspirmentalist or mental or B......

Z.E.K.E. = Zero Existance Kaotic name is ZEKE

Truly Though


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